
CHI MATCH privacy policy

The applications (“Applications”) that CHI MATCH publishes for the web and mobile devices, or “we”, in this
Privacy Policy means CHI MATCH SARL, located at 24 Rue Omar Slaoui N° 14 Mers Sultan Co by Council, Casablanca, Morocco.

For the purposes of data protection laws, CHI MATCH is “the controller” of your personal information. In most
cases, the apps are free apps (with purchases optional) and in order to maintain the high quality and excellent
user experience, we process information about you and in particular about you to enhance the overall experience
in applications and support our internal operations

This Privacy Policy applies when you download and play our apps or when you otherwise access any which of our
other, services, content, websites(http://www.chimatch.ma, among others) or other domains provided by CHI MATCH,
designated collectively as the “Services”. By using any of the Services, including when you use or access our
Services through the through social networks or mobile devices, you accept the collection and use of your
information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service (please note that depending on the
Service, a personalized version of the Terms of use could be associated with it, as indicated on the website of
said Service).

If you do not want CHI MATCH to collect, store, use or share your information in the ways described in this
Privacy Policy. Privacy, you should not play CHI MATCH applications or use the CHI MATCH Services.

This Policy:

By using a Site and/or a Service, and by providing us with your data personal data, you consent to the
processing of your personal data from the manner described in this privacy policy.

I- Information we collect and how we collect it

The information about you that we collect is divided into two categories: information that you provide directly
to us and information we collect automatically.

1.Information you share directly with us

When you use our Services, you may directly provide us with information. We will store the information you
provide to us directly on our systems and we will use them for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

a.Account and Profile Information

Certain applications or parts of the Services may allow you to provide us with certain profile information,

We can also allow you to create a player profile, separate from the profile of the site, which other CHI MATCH
players can see. Your player profile will include the following information that you provide to us:

Some applications make certain information publicly available your CHI MATCH player profile, including:

b. Information about your contacts

Some of our Services give you the ability to import contacts from your address book, including names, email
addresses, social media usernames, if available, or enter them manually so you can find your contacts on CHI
MATCH and invite them to use another of our Services. You are responsible for obtaining permission from your
contacts when you choose to provide us with their contact details. We may receive information from you regarding
from other CHI MATCH users who import or manually share their contacts. We use and may store a all or part of
such contact information to enable you and your contacts to log in through all of our Services. If you wish to
remove the contacts stored in our applications or Services, follow the instructions provided in the application
or Service by question. If you have provided us with your contacts in multiple applications or Services and you
wish to remove such contacts from the entire applications and Services, you must perform this step in each app
or Service. If you need to enter a password for us allow access to your address book, we will not store said

vs. Information you generate using our features communication

Some of our Services allow you to communicate or share information with CHI MATCH and other CHI MATCH players.
These features include:

We may ask for your approval to access your audio, and it may be used only to allow you to communicate with
other players during the game. It will not be used for any purpose advertising or to improve or personalize our
services. We don’t may have access to audio transmissions only temporarily during chat features and will not
save or store them on our servers.

You expressly acknowledge and agree that we may access in time real, record or store such communications,
comments, said photos and drawings on our servers. We will use such communications to protect the safety and
well-being of our players as well as the rights and property of CHI MATCH in connection with our services ; to
conduct research; to manage, improve and personalize our Services and the experiences of our players, in
particular by through analysis; and to manage and serve ads contextual.

d. Payment information

If you make purchases on our Services, such as a license for use embedded virtual currency or virtual items in a
app you are playing, our third-party payment processor collect billing and financial information to process your
costs. CHI MATCH does not collect or store your financial information. However, CHI MATCH’s payment processors
may share non-financial information with us in connection with your purchases, such that your transaction
information, your transaction IDs, the objects purchased and the value of said purchases in order to process
your order. Please note that purchases of credits or currencies from third parties may also subject to the
policies of such third parties.

e. Correspondence with Customer Support

When you contact our Customer Support team, we will collect and store the contact details you provide to them
(usually your name and email address), information about your sessions game or your activity on our Services,
your player or network ID number social. We will also store the communications you conduct with the Customer
Support team and any information in said communications to offer assistance.

2. Information We Collect Automatically

a. Information from social networks

If you use the CHI MATCH applications or access any other of our Services using a social network ID (such as
Facebook), we automatically receive certain information about you from the social network, depending on the CHI
MATCH app you are playing, the social network, the privacy settings of you and your friends on said social
network. For example, CHI MATCH will collect and store automatically some or all of the following information
provided by the social network:

If you are accessing our Services from a social network, you should also read the Terms of Use and Privacy
Policy of said social network. If you have any doubts about the information that a network social sharing with us,
please access the social networks where you play our apps to learn more about their privacy settings

b. Tracking Technologies

We and service providers acting on our behalf, such as as Google Analytics, store log files and use tracking
technologies such as:

We and our service providers use these technologies to collect and analyze certain types of technical
information, such as that :

We may connect this information with your social network ID (if available) or the CHI MATCH user ID.

Please note that companies that advertise on our Services may also use cookies or other technologies
described below under “Third-Party Ads and Analytics and These Practices” are subject to the policies of
such companies.

c. Information from your mobile device

If you play CHI MATCH apps or access our other Services on your mobile device, in addition to your device
identifiers, we can also automatically collect:

We may also automatically collect, with your permission, your accurate GPS location information.

d. Information across devices and apps

Sometimes we (or our service providers) may use the information we collect such as usernames, IP addresses,
unique mobile device identifiers or other IDs (such as social network ID) to locate or attempt to locate the
same unique users across multiple browsers or devices (such as smartphones or tablets) or work with suppliers
who perform such a task, in order to better personalize the content and features and provide you with a smooth
experience across devices.

If you wish to opt out of cross-device tracking for interest-based ads, you can do this from from your Android
or Apple device settings.

II- How we use the information we collect

We, or our service providers, primarily use the information we collect and store to analyze and improve our
Services pursuant to a legitimate business interest, fulfill our contract with you and provide our Services to
you, and for other purposes, notably :

a. Communications by email and SMS messages

If you provide your email address to CHI MATCH, we will use it to respond to your requests for customer support,
notify you of built-in activity including, friends’ comments and updates status update and in-app upgrades,
invite you to participate in anonymous surveys, and invite you to events organized by CHI MATCH. Certain
messages, such as invitations to friends to play a application, may include your name and profile picture. We
may also send promotional emails and SMS messages communications (“Promotional Communications”) either directly
or by partnership with other parties, in accordance with your preferences for marketing. Each Promotional
Communication will provide you with choices as to upon receipt of subsequent messages and will provide you with
a method for you can choose not to receive future communications.

b. Use of de-identified and aggregated information

For the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we may combine the information we collect through the Services
with information we receive from other sources, both online and offline, and use such combined information in
accordance with this Privacy Policy.

vs. How We Use Automatic Collection Technologies

We, as well as third parties who provide content, advertising or other features on the Services, may use
cookies, web beacons, local storage and other technologies (“ Technologies”) to automatically collect
information through services. Our uses of these Technologies fall within the following general categories:

III- The rights of data subjects and your choices

You have certain rights with respect to your information as described in this section

1.Legal bases for the processing of personal data

Our legal basis for collecting and using data personal data will depend on the personal data concerned and the
context specific in which we collect them.

However, we only collect your personal data when you expressly consent to the processing of your data (for
communications marketing for example), or when the processing is necessary to ensure the performance of the
contract between us and you, so that we can to comply with our legal obligations, to protect your vital
interests or those of another person, or for the satisfaction of our interest legit.

For more information, please contact us by email at mentioned in the “Contact” section.

2. Your rights

You can exercise these rights at any time by emailing us at the address mentioned in the “Contact” section.

3. Sharing and disclosure of your personal data

We may be required to communicate your personal data, in the unique framework to be able to satisfy you when
using our Services, to internal recipients and/or to external recipients.

Internal recipient:: This concerns all internal staff to intervene to provide you with the CHI MATCH
Services or to manage your account such as the technical service, the commercial service, the administrative and
financial service.

External recipients:These include:

In accordance with our instructions, our suppliers and service providers services may process or store personal
data in connection with of the exercise of their functions

Note that whenever we share personal data, we take all reasonable steps to ensure that they are processed
securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. privacy.

a.Our policies regarding children

Protecting the privacy of children online is very important to we. Most of our services are intended for users
of all ages, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years old.

If we offer Services intended for children or where the users identify themselves as children when we ask for
age information, we can provide information information on the confidentiality of these Services; limit the
collection personal information to comply with the law; and/or request parental consent.

If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided personal information on the
Services, please contact by sending a request using our web form or a email to privacy@chimatch.ma

b. How long we keep your information

We do not keep your information longer than it is necessary for the purposes for which such information is
processed. The how long we retain information depends on the purpose which we have collected and use or to
comply with the applicable laws. For example, we may retain certain information for a few years after you close
your account with us if that is necessary to meet legal obligations or to assert, defend or establish legal

c. Security of your information

We implement appropriate security measures to protect the security of your information. If you access our
Services through of a social network and your social network account is hacked, this could allow someone to
access your CHI MATCH apps without your permission. Be sure to also protect the information of your social
network account, including your network account password social. We invite you to log out of your CHI MATCH
account and any social media accounts you used to access our Services after using them.

When you log in to your CHI MATCH account or enter payment information, we or our third-party payment processor
use secure socket layer (“SSL”) technology to encrypt the transmission of said information. Although we take
precautions reasonable against possible security breaches of our Services, our customer databases and records,
no website or any Internet transmission is not completely secure. Although we strive to protect your personal
information, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, loss of data or other violations will never
occur, we cannot guarantee the security of your information during transmission to our Service. Any transmission
is at your own risk. If you have questions about the security of our websites, please contact us by visiting our
website at http://www.chimatch.ma/